It seems that I have something with the date of 26th but it's a pure coincidence. However, I do have something with BGH. No, it's not a passion for its products but instead I have a passion for its campaigns. I admire their courage to be different and to accept this kind of creative works from Del Campo NAZCA Saatchi & Saatchi. Or maybe ... I just love this agency's work!!
In my previous post I was focussed on their campaign "Dads in briefs" which introduced me to BGH brand. Back then I made a quick research and I discovered an older campaign "Big Noses". Despite the fact that I found it very catchy I still decided to talk about the other one. Now, after seeing the latest campaign I can see a connection between all three of them.
BGH - Big Noses
This campaign promotes the new BGH air conditioner with five stages of filtered air. The "Big Noses" campaign presents a problem: filthy air; a targeted audience: people with big noses "people who need clean air the most"; and gives a solution: air conditioners with five stages of filtered aired. More exactly, it's an interactive campaign that asks customers to measure their noses with "nose-o-meter" and if it is big enough, they would receive a 25% discount for their purchase. So that was a pretty good deal just for having a big nose! To quote the commercial: "there are loser noses and there are noses with a discount". I think it's a clever campaign that clearly sends out its message "the purest air on the market" and "for those who need it most". I just love the idea and the way it was implemented. More details about the campaign below.
BGH - Dads in briefs
As I already went through this campaign once, I will be very short. The campaign presents the problem: dads in briefs - which are not a delight for anybody's eyes; targeted audience: the family of the father; the solution: BGH's air conditioners. More details in my post BGH's campaign - Dads in briefs or you can watch the ads below.
BGH - Summer hater
The latest campaign reminds Argentinian customers that summer came again (there in Argentina) with its hot temperatures and of course a new problem: the "summer hater" character. This commercial is a creation of Del Campo NAZCA Saatchi & Saatchi just like the previous two campaigns, but unlike those ones, the summer hater ad looks a bit too aggressive to me. I have to admit, I really appreciate their courage to come public with this ad, and the creative idea behind but still it's too dramatic. Sometimes, in order to catch customers' attention you have to go to the extremes, and this is the direction where BGH brand is heading to with the new ad's black humor.
With the climate changes and rising temperatures, more and more people start to dislike summer and this is the exact idea that Del Campo NAZCA Saatchi & Saatchi wants to depict in the ad. They created the summer hater character to represent any person who is not very fond of summer. Of course, the character is exaggerated, making it look more like a psychopath: very dangerous, hating "stinky people", "exhibitionists" or "pathetic tans" and with maniacal ideas on how to exterminate them all. BGS is again coming with a solution to avoid the disaster that this character could cause: the new energy efficient air conditioner from BGH. To further understand, I made a quick research.
According to creative directors Maxi Itzkoff and Mariano Serkin say that "in Argentina electricity is very expensive, which is why during the summer, people only turn their AC on for short periods of time when they really can’t take the heat anymore, then turn it off when the house has cooled down. They don’t leave it on all day long". But no worries, BGH is now able to promis that their air conditioners can keep the psychopat inside because he can afford the electricity bills with the new BGH energy efficient air conditioner!! But don't forget, the psychopath could represent each one of us! However, as long as I am happy with my electricity bill and the temperature in my house, I don't mind. Enjoy the Sumer hater ad below.
Product: BGH Silent Air
Agency: Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi
Creative Directors: Maxi Itzkoff / Mariano Serkin
Production House: MJZ
Director: Juan Cabral